The folwing article is from Marangatu Seeds :
‘Produce more food, fiber and still performs environmental services. The Crop-LivestockForest integration system is one of the few technologies that make it possible harmonize these two demands of the world. Its usage in different regions of the country was the subject of an important meeting last month. The event was organized by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and took place at the Federation of Agriculture and Goiás Farming (FAEG) and also counted with an exchange of experiences among journalists, who deal daily with the agribusiness coverage, and agriculture in Goiás.
According to Flavio Wruck, an Embrapa researcher, for the next ten years the scenario for integrated systems in Brazil is 10 million hectares of degraded pastures. Using Crop-Livestock integration, Crop-Forest Integration, Livestock-Forest Integration and Crop-livestock-Forest Integration, the increase could be around 45 million tons in grain production. “The annual growth may be 1.5% to 2% in grain and meat production,” he said. Crop-livestock-Forest Integration promotes the recovery of degraded pasture areas and also continue, on the same property, different production systems, such as grains, fiber, meat, milk and bioenergy. “In addition, it improves soil fertility by applying techniques and cropping systems suitable for its usage optimization and intensification. Thus, it enables the diversification of economic activities in the property and minimizes the risk of frustration due to climatic events or market conditions.
The integration also reduces chemicals usage, opening of new areas for agricultural purposes, and environmental liabilities. As per Wruck, it also allows the biodiversity increase the erosion process control through ground cover maintenance. Combined with conservative practices such as direct plantation, is an economic and sustainable alternative to raise the productivity of degraded areas.’
Marangatu Gatu
Sources: Adapted and summarized by Marangatú Seeds Source: Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária Goiás – FAEG
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